Business scope: Trademark registration, expedited trademark registration
Trademark transfer, expedited trademark transfer
Trademark change, trademark renewal
Trademark cancellation, trademark license
Trademark pledge, trademark rejection review Review
Trademark opposition, trademark dispute
International trademark, international patent
Patent application, patent invalidation
Patent licensing, patent litigation
Patent funding, expedited patent application
Legal business.
The concept of trademark: A trademark is a visible sign used by operators on the goods or services they produce, manufacture, process, select, distribute, or provide, which can distinguish them from the goods or services of others. sex symbol.
The concept of patent: It is the exclusive right to inventions and creations granted (including registered) by the government (including intergovernmental organizations) within a certain period of time and within the country or region.
The concept of copyright: refers to the exclusive rights enjoyed by authors of literary, artistic, and scientific works over their works. The work mentioned here must be original and within the scope of legal protection.
Trademark registration can be expedited: same-day submission and same-day acceptance
Guaranteed to get the acceptance notice back as soon as possible, so that the trademark can be used and seize business opportunities as soon as possible!
Patent applications can be expedited , guaranteed authorization (inventions can be guaranteed to be authorized and powerful resources can be cooperated with colleagues and friends)
Consultation: Ms. Peng:
Patent application price inquiry