Trademark registration, patent application, and copyright registration can be expedited and can include authorized trademark rejection review, objection and defense, and defense of patent review opinions
Trademark transfer processing can be expedited for enterprise name approval by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce
Consultation phone number
1. [Domestic Trademark] Trademark Transfer. ()
2. [Domestic Trademark] Documents and Trademark Additions Required for Trademark Registration ()
3. [Domestic Trademark] Acceptance of Collective Trademark Certification Trademarks. () )
4. [Domestic Trademark] Documents required for trademark change ()
5. [Domestic Trademark] Documents required for trademark renewal. ()
6. [Domestic Trademark] Trademark Renewal Certificate Required documents ()
7. [Domestic Trademark] Reply to the registered trademark dispute and submit evidence of use for three years ()
8. [Domestic Trademark] Reply to the application for cancellation of registration of an improper trademark ()
9. [Domestic Trademark] Trademark Infringement Litigation or Dispute Reply ()
10. [Domestic Trademark] Rejection Review Objection Ruling Review ()
11. [Domestic Trademark] Trademark Objection Reply ()
10 2. [Domestic Trademark] Trademark License Filing ()
Trademark registration can be expedited: same-day submission and same-day acceptance, ensuring that the acceptance notice will be received immediately, ready for use as a trademark, and seizing business opportunities as soon as possible! Patent applications can be Expedited, guaranteed authorization (inventions can be guaranteed to be authorized, strong resources, colleagues and friends can cooperate)
Trademark registration agency at discounted prices